I wish he is here to witness this

… and talking with us.

We have surpassed 25,000,000 talk,tweet,text at   at 10:00 am Vancouver, BC, Canada time.


cause you have no idea what the people who look the happiest are actually going through.

6 thoughts on “I wish he is here to witness this

  1. I can relate well to this topic. I suffered greatly in University from this affliction. It still haunts me but thank goodness my kids keep me grounded. I have to be well for them. I’m glad they are bringing more awareness to the issue of mental illness as an illness. The stigma is still there. But slowly it improves. And yes, Perpetua, I wish Robin was still here with us to see the support. But somehow I believe he knows!

    • We have something in common and with plenty of people that hide their suffering. It’s good that we have someone to keep us grounded. Family helps a lot. It was a success that we had over 122 million tweets. Translate to dollars and cents for mental wellness, that will go a long way! Robin’s death did a lot of good for the media, sorry to say.

  2. I think Robin Williams’ suicide will serve as a wake-up call to a good number of people. Wayne Brady, another comedian, has come forward since Robin’s death to shed even more light on the topic of depression. … ‘until you walk in the other man’s shoes … such a true statement. 😉

Please share your reflection. Thank you.