Oh, What a feeling!

There are many smiling and happy faces when  January 28 mental wellness dialogue was a huge success. It resulted over 122 million talk.text.tweet . Translating that in dollars and cents that’s about $6.1 million for mental health funding. We could never been happier! bellletstalk Our spokespersons from left to right: Mary Walsh, Michael Lansdberg, Carla Hughes and Howie Mandel. They spoke, never ashamed of mental illness and turned it into wellness. Oh, what a feeling.

6 thoughts on “Oh, What a feeling!

    • When people say the word crazy, my retort is two folds: it takes one to know one or you have no idea. It’s either that they do not know what to say for lack of better words, plain stupid or ignoramus. Actually I feel sad for them more than I feel sad for the condition we are in.

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