Snow in June?

Our city is really off when it comes to weather. This winter we hardly had any snow but last year, we had snow in June. It’s definitely off-season to see snow in June especially in Vancouver.
Vancouver Jeep Commercial (2)Daily, I take this route going home until one day, our bus made a detour away from the train station. The traffic was unbelievable due to a whole city block turned into winter wonderland. Normally, this is what it looks like.
Vancouver Jeep Commercial (1)

This is just wild!
Vancouver Jeep Commercial (3)Boulders (made of styrofoam, light as a feather), rocks, tree trunks with moss (made of plastic), snowbanks (crushed ice), live trees and flowing river to complete nature in the city.
Vancouver Jeep Commercial (4)Gallons of water came pouring out to “flood” this area to create a scene “River in the City”.
Vancouver Jeep Commercial (7)This is the making of a commercial scene for Jeep Cherokee. They even threw in two domesticated wolves in the scene.

Now, back to reality. Panhandlers in the city. This is their spot.
Vancouver Jeep Commercial (9)

20 thoughts on “Snow in June?

  1. No way! I thought it was bad for us to get snow in May on some year (not this year, I think) . Having snow in June is worse! On the other hand May or June snow is nice because we know it would melt soon, right?

  2. There were so many bad jokes going around how downtown had flooded and snowed etc lol but I saw them do all the CGI test runs on the parking lot across from rogers arena 🙂

      • We have our Jeep to tow a camper-trailer, it certainly wouldn’t be our choice for around town. In a few weeks we’ll be taking off “outback”.

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