Psychologically speaking, age is a game.

Mother and ChildAsk kids how old they are and they will tell you the truth.

They are honest about their age. Using their tiny fingers; they will show you the exact number. When kids learn philosophy, age is about “almost” three or five or ten. Then it progresses to fractions: 13 and three-quarters or 15 and a half. When they reach legal age, they are on the ‘ish’ age: 20ish, 25ish or 30ish.

Adults teach children to tell lies, especially on discounted rate on bus fares, children’s clothing or restaurants where children can eat free.

Teenagers think this is a wonderful idea. So they will falsify their identification cards to be older in order to buy cigarettes or alcohol or drive our car.

It’s time to do reverse psychology on the young ones and have a word with them.

If they want to be grown up, we expect them to be responsible: prepare your own meals, do your laundry, take the bus, work for a living and all the adult stuff.

Having said this, they immediately revert back to being infantile.

I don’t blame the children to lie about their age. I lie about mine that I am older. This way, they consider me that I look a day younger than my real age.

‘Wow,’ you look great and stunning for a 63-year-old!

4 thoughts on “Psychologically speaking, age is a game.

  1. Kids do tell the truth. When I was 38 I asked my 4 year old ‘how old is Mummy turning this year?’ To which she replied triumphantly, ’39’. ‘Correct’, I responded and then asked, ‘What about the following year?’ She responded without a blink, ‘thirty ten!’ Not telling a lie; just softening the blow 🙂

    • That is a great way to put it. Your kid is smart like you and very diplomatic…. thirty 8, thirty 9, thirty 10…. hahaha forty doesn’t sound good at all. 😛

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