Canadians mean having to say you’re sorry.

Love means never having to say you’re sorry according to Love Story movie.

Well excuse me for I totally disagree. I’m sorry for saying this but this is a dumb statement. I am a Canadian and we Canadians love to say we are sorry.

I say I am sorry to a passenger when I bump her in a crowded bus.Apology
I say I am sorry to a stranger for asking where the nearest Starbucks is.
I say I am sorry to the person I pass by when I walk up the escalator.
I say I am sorry to the waiter that he gave me the wrong menu.
I say I am sorry to the waitress when I can’t make up my mind what to order.
I say I am sorry to the bus driver for not having the right change for the bus fare.
I say I am sorry to 411 operator for asking what the phone number of John Doe is.
I say I am sorry to my doctor when I’m back again for the same problem.
I say I am sorry to the other person when we walked in the elevator at the same time.
I say I am sorry to the cats when I come home late and they are starving.
I say I am sorry to the plants when it’s too hot and they need extra watering.
I say I am sorry to my boss when I asked her to repeat herself.
I say I am sorry to my friend when I am helping her.

Here’s a prime example of how sorry we are at work. The scenario was my cheque request all came except for one. I have to ask the clerk for the missing one.

Sorry, Asha, I can’t seem to find the cheque for Jane Doe.
Oh, I’m sorry Perpetua, I thought I gave you everything.

Would you like me to go to the mail room and retrieve it?
Sorry, Asha, do you mind?
Don’t be sorry, Perpetua. Not at all.

Off she went and came back with the cheque for Jane Doe.

Sorry again, Asha, for giving you that extra work.
Not at all, Perpetua. Sorry for the oversight.

All in a day’s work.

13 thoughts on “Canadians mean having to say you’re sorry.

  1. I’m British and we’re also quite apologetic (not quite as apologetic as Canadians, from what I can see). I spend so much time saying sorry for things that I don’t need to be sorry about or am not actually even sorry about… It’s an addiction, I tell you!

    • I can relate to you being sorry all the time. Canada can be a sorry “state”. I just goggled all the public apologies that Canada said to Japanese, Chinese, First Nations amongst others. It can be an addiction, must stop being sorry 😛

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