How a tweet can bring out the twit in you.

A young deer was spotted roaming downtown Vancouver Tuesday morning, sparking concern for the animal’s safety. It spread like wildfire through tweets.
deerFirst tweet:  Something you don’t typically see in downtown Vancouver – a young deer on Granville Street.

From there more tweets of the animal seen all over town. (Italics my thoughts)
~ Howe Street, the heart of the financial district. (Would like to ring the bell to open the stock market)
~ Yaletown, a concrete jungle. (Wanting to buy a pizza, must be hungry)
~ At West End in front of the hospital crossing a bike lane. (Must be injured wanting to find the Emergency Ward)

Even the Vancouver Park Board also posted a short video of the deer near English Bay. Very short.

The B.C. Conservation Officer Service is “well aware” of the downtown deer and monitoring the situation.  If it does return to busy city streets — “which isn’t a great place for a deer — conservation officers can take action to move the deer out.”

Move? Is that a soft word for exterminating the deer?

Hello…. this is Downtown Vancouver not Victoria Island. In the island, deer are killed for being a pest eating garden roses.

A video of a fawn swimming across Burrard Inlet to Stanley Park Monday afternoon which believed was the same animal. Oh Dear Deer!  It escaped from Victoria Island.

Enter Twitter account as posted.

The conversation centered whether it was a dear? deer? baby deer? young deer? fawn? Bambi? Yearling? The Grammar Police got involved and a whole bunch of twit.

– To all cbc editors, if there are any. That would be a ‘fawn’ that you are talking about, not a ‘baby’ anything.

– You have to remember that the education level, and amount of understood english has gone way done in the last couple of decades, so they are using language that hopefully most people can comprehend.

– You mean way down not way done, right Mr. english with lower case ‘e’?!!

– I can’t use a forced mistake to help prove my point?

– Oh please. Go look up the oxford definition of baby. Now look at the various synonyms for New born and young etc.

– Talk about splitting hairs.

– Do you feel good about yourselves for being so petty.

– Yes, I also took note of that! 😉

– Please go look up the definition of the word baby. Now look at the first sentence of the article. “A young deer”

– Now please go look up the word fawn. Fawn perhaps is more specific to the noun in question, however, baby, young, fawn, newborn, etc. Are all very acceptable usage under these conditions for English language standards.

– Again splitting hairs on this topic shows me, now feel free to look this one up as well. Petty.

– I use my dictionary quite regular. Do you?

– Bambi – hide from the conversation officers! Fast!

– conversation? Meaning they’ll be talking about a fawn, or to a fawn? Okay, just a bit of fun with an accidently transposed “v” and “s” 😉

At the time I was following this episode, I found it humorous. After having re-read this, I really thought my English is poor. Now I feel better.

Source: CBC News: Baby deer on the loose in Dowtown Vancouver

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