Chasing Beauty

People are fundamentally beautiful just the way they are. But with the introduction of make-up, we are brainwashed that we are not beautiful enough. Therefore, we spend so much time, money and energy in face painting.
make upI always tease my nieces to go easy on make-up for three reasons:
1. You are already pretty, (This does not count because I am their aunt.)
2. You will ruin your skin. (Say’s who? I’m not a beautician.)
3. You will be unrecognizable should you wear no make-up. (Laughter)

Telling them stories how I did not recognize a few female friends without make-up let alone they scared the living day light out of me will not deter them from experimenting on cosmetics.

Also, I told them that since I stopped using make-up, my skin is healthier, save mucho dinero, more time to sleep and no more worries. I feel more confident being au naturel.

Were they listening? Nope, too busy drawing an eyebrow and putting false eyelashes as long as the elephants lashes.

Of course, they just have to go through the process until such time they become aware that they don’t need make-up at all and will thank me for saying so.

HA! That would be the day.

Yesterday, my sister sent me another breaking news. Maybe, if they will read this blog, they will think twice about further tinkering with their faces.

Groom ‘Sues New Wife For Fraud’ After Seeing Her Without Make Up For First Time

A man who saw his new wife for the first time without make up is reportedly SUING her for trauma, after being shocked at her appearance.

The unnamed couple had just got married in Algeria and after spending the night together, the husband woke up to find his wife bare-faced.

But rather than admire her natural beauty, instead the man REFUSED to believe the woman was his wife, believing her to be a thief.

Finally realising that this was in fact the woman he loved, the man is now allegedly suing her for fraud and “psychological suffering”.

A source told Emirates 247: “He said he was deceived by her as she used to fill up her face with make up before their marriage.

“He said she looked very beautiful and attractive before marriage, but when he woke up in the morning and found that she had washed the make-up off her face, he was frightened as he thought she was a thief.”

The price of the husband’s “suffering” is £13,000.

Source: CA.News

14 thoughts on “Chasing Beauty

    • Here’s a comment from the site that might be the answer:
      “What a bunch of nonsense lol! This kind of stuff can only fly in countries like Algeria and the beauty of it all is that in those countries he can actually win this law suit. Any legit judge and jury in civilized country would say – “if you are so dumb as to be deceived like that you deserve to be in the ditch you’re in”. And they would be absolutely right. I feel bad for this woman. In Arab countries they often have to pay dowry which is quite expensive so I guess he figured he can score his wedding night with her and then make back the money he spent, and what an original method he chose lol.”

  1. The story is really shocking! I don’t understand the whole make up jazz. You do, you look lovely (and to some you look artificial). You don’t do – boys run off, you look natural (and you might still look scary to some).

    • Beathoven says: “I worked with a woman who was both confident and insecure at the same time,she was very blonde and her lashes were as well,when she wore her makeup and darkened her lashes and eyebrows which is how she looked most of the time she was stunning and confident,with no makeup she still looked good but different and she was very insecure,it was kind of a strange thing to see take place in her personality,a fairly nice girl though.”

  2. Ah reading your post after long. I loved your take on make-up. I find women who don’t use make-up look so fresh and cool. I am also not in favour of using hair-dye and allowing the hair to gray naturally,

    Many thanks and cheers 💐

    • Alicia can relate to you and this is her comment:
      “Seriously,I’m a girl and I wear only a bit of makeup every week. But from what I see, less and less men are attracted to women who don’t wear makeup.

      Ladies, dont be too hard on makeup. It damages your skin and you don’t want to have someone who dates you for that damn look on your face. You’ll want to date someone’s that is smart enough to put the look aside and love you for whatever appearance is.

      That’s why I don’t wear don’t wear too much makeup. I’ll use an eyeliner and a bit of mascara. Sometimes I’ll an under-eye when, but I dont even do that every day. There’s no need. Period!”

      • Thanks for sharing similar views from Alicia. People who keep their minds free of negative thoughts, do yoga and meditate emanate a radiance which is attractive in a peaceful way!

        Kindest regards Perpetua.

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