Stress Relief

My office mate came up to me and asked if I want a stress relief.
Sure, I said. All I have to do is stay away from you.
Not only that, she said, there are two dogs in the other side of the office.

Hearing the magic word., dogs, I quickly run to where the dogs are and someone is already having the time of her life.
Dog Stress ReliefMind you, I had an assistant last year, Daisy. She did a good job in messing up my desk and ate my reports.
Dog DaisyIn the summer time, colleagues bring their beloved fur babies to work for show and tell. I must admit, animals do provide some stress relief.  I wish I can bring my two cats to work but they are so attached to their home.

Do you bring your pets to work?

17 thoughts on “Stress Relief

  1. Great Post!
    In my research on stress relief for I have found many articles claiming pets are great to relieve stress. They can make you laugh, will make you feel loved, give you exercise, and a sense of responsibility.

    Dogs are always happy to see you and make you feel special.

    Get One…

  2. I wish I could bring my two golden retrievers to work. The best I get is a guide dog puppy trainer in the same office building. It comes to visit the other floors and I catch them in the lift lobby 🙂

  3. no pets for me at my work – Ivy, my dog would not be a good match for a classroom of 30 adolescents. I do have a colleague who has two therapy dogs and she brings them to school on Fridays, very well behaved and great demeanors. Kids respond well and so do the dogs. it’s all good. looks like you had some serious stress relief.

    • Oh yes, summer is the time for them to visit work. Very casual when school is closed. We do have a visually impaired instructor that has a guide dog. Can’t really disturb the dog at work. And once a year, there is a show and tell, bring your pet to school. At church on St. Francis’ day, we have a blessings of the animals.
      What grade do you teach?

  4. Having Sir Fergus and Miss Poppy at work I think would be a bigger distraction for Hubby then a calming influence – we’ll save their hugs for when he’s home, lol! 🙂

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