Weekly work plan: redefined

I work for a school board and we only have three weeks left before the start of the school. So I redefined my work schedule to enjoy the peace and quiet.
planning-redefinedWhat’s your schedule for the rest of summer?

13 thoughts on “Weekly work plan: redefined

  1. There is nothing better than coffee time for me (first of the morning), and then chaos of work and travel takes over 🙂 Fortunately the end of August looks to be a good time for me to step back and get caught up in life…where did the summer go?!?

    • We are at the tail end of August, Randall. Hope you are having the best coffee ever and enjoying life. Let’s drink to your down time. Cheers. Perpetua

  2. Hmmm… that reminds me, I best check our return to school date huh and begin stocking up on supplies… batteries for remotes since I will once again have SOLE possession, coffee beans as I will have time to drink myself jittery; and a deck chair as I will FINALLY be able to sit UNINTERRUPTED whilst “switching off” from the world… how many weeks did you say? 🙂

    • Staples has great sales. It’s here! Apparently time to retrain the kids to gear them for school. Enough of late nights and sleeping in. Mind you Christmas is coming.

      • Yep, we did Staples and Walmart over VERY well yesterday. Daughter is now vowing to wake up “early” in readiness for school. She says she’s aiming for 9am instead of the usual 11am yet Sunday was 12.45! I’m just jealous as I think 7am is a sleep in, lol! 🙂

    • Yup, they need to fatten up for. winter. Not to mention other critters in your garden so the frogs. Love them plus your dear. Hope no more incidents latest.

      • Perpetua, I usually make some Christmas gifts and I’ve been thinking about chimes for this year. In the meantime, my yard is full of them (I think 13 for now) gently clinking and chiming in the occasional breezes.

      • That must be music to your ears when they play a symphony, Brett. I’ve seen people recycle their utensils and make wind chimes. Enjoy.

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