Paulette is right. To save your life, one has to save others, too. Be it a human being or the ‘under dogs’. These are innocent creatures that will give us unconditional love.

Paulette has written three books already and all proceeds are use to save the ‘under dog’.

Let us help by purchasing her books.

Love you Paulette for your kindness. Perpetua.

The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap

To everyone who has bought my book here is what your money is going toward. These are dogs rescued this year alone. This is in addition to funds going to SPARC from The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap ( and CARL from His Name Was Ben (

14 y:o Terrance saved 14 year old Terrance going home

ARTIE: Bline senior Artie, the blind senior, safe at home

ARTIE DOESN'T CARE THAT HE'S BLIND HE'S FREE AND HAPPY Artie doesn’t care that he’s blind. He’s free. And happy.

Ballard went to the Bishon rescue group Ballard went to the Bishon rescue group

Bonnie from the Downey shelter Bonnie happy at home

choo choo going home Choo Choo going home

DOLLY GOING HOME Dolly tugging on that leash to get home and she’s on her way there.

FERNIE'S FREEDOM RIDE Fernie’s freedom ride

FOXY'S FREEDOM RIDE Foxy’s freedom ride

GERALDINE'S freedom ride. Looking a little scared. Geraldine’s freedom ride, looking a little scared.

A HAPPIER GERALDINE AFTER RESCUE A happier Geraldine with daddy.

Going home Going home

home sweet home Home sweet home and that grass feels so good.

Jessica's freedom ride Jessica’s freedom ride.

JULES FREEDOME RIDE Jules’ freedom ride

Lobo with dad Lobo with new dad who’s wearing a shit that says “love.” Things are looking up.

Lolita and daddy. Lolita with…

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