Prayer of the Heart

Mother MaryWith a twist of fate, I struggle to trust Jesus that this is what we need in life.

I do not want bad things happen to people I care. When it does, I shouted at God that this is unfair!

It is unfair because someone who has so much going for in his life suffered a heart attack.

He’s young as I and he doesn’t even smoke.

I smoke.

WHY? Why him?

He brought me in this church when I went to visit him when he came out of the hospital.

In this room, I cried my heart out to Mother Mary and felt helpless to help him.

Here I ask Mother Mary to help me trust her Son. I prayed to please give him a healthy heart. I beg to “rewind” the series of events that this is only a bad dream.

I was heart-broken.

But Mother Mary will always bring me to Him to pray the prayer of the heart.

“Lord Jesus, have mercy on me I am a sinner. Jesus, I trust in you.”

My friend is alive and that matters more than anything else. And I left him to the care of Mother Mary.

5 thoughts on “Prayer of the Heart

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