I Pick this ONE!


“I will choose to see the good, the stories of courage, humanity, and compassion that remind me that man was made in the image of God, a God of love,”

Song Bird Songs


My defiance takes a different note,

“They” want me to fear

So I will choose love not hate,

For only love casts out fear.

“They” want to manipulate my mind just as they manipulated the killers.

No go! I have free choice, I choose good, not evil.

“They” want me to cower, to become afraid to voice my own faith,

I choose instead to confirm my faith in a God of love,

The only one able to deal with “them”.

“They” cannot be “bombed out of existence”

Like the hydra “they” will only grow more heads.

Like chemo or radiation, that may give temporary reprieve, (while creating devastation) but it will not destroy the “stem cells”.

The real perpetrators lurk unseen in the shadows and the “cancer” will spread and grow again,

We see only the pawns in their diabolical power game.

Yet I will sing,

For God himself plays…

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3 thoughts on “I Pick this ONE!

  1. when will the nightmare stop? we hope today But i know its wishfull thinking
    my thoughts are with those who died and their families and everyone in this world In war countries who face this every day

  2. Yes, the stories of courage, humanity and compassion are definitely what we should now be focusing on. We MUST remember to see the good that is still there to be seen!

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