The happiest table at home

It is a gradual change of transition as we waited patiently with anticipation when the happiest table in our house is redecorated.

advent transition

The decoration then was pumpkin, Chinese lantern flowers and golden maple leaves on Thanksgiving Day. Now the table is laid out with holly branches, poinsettia, and four colored candles.

Finally, today, the decor is complete.



We recognize that in today’s culture that it does not encourage patience as anticipatory is part of  Christmas. Thus, we practice waiting, staying alert and remembering what this season is all about; the birth of Jesus Christ.

We believe, regardless of the turmoil on this world, somehow – somewhere – someday, there will be peace on earth.

Additional reading from Friar Musing’s: In Between Times

8 thoughts on “The happiest table at home

  1. This puts me into the Christmas spirit ~ the photo of the table reminds me of the time my Mom puts into decorating the house for Christmas, invoking this calm and peaceful feeling. Beautiful.

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