Finding Time

Joining a guided walking and sightseeing holiday in Cuba with Walker’s World is not actually a pilgrimage. However, I made sure that I consider it as one for I always consider myself a pilgrim on this earth.

Visiting Churches is not in our itinerary.

Luckily, the hotel we stayed in Havana has a majestic Cathedral across the street that dominated the view.

Church Miramar

Finding time to visit a church is a practice I weave moments of spiritual awareness in my journey to a new land.

The church is open.

As I entered the church and looked around, I saw a woman sitting in one of the pews, waved at me, beckoning to come closer to her.

Obligingly, I went to sit beside her.

She spoke Spanish. I spoke English. We communicated with our smiles.

Church OLG

At least, we have one thing in common, our faith.

Moving inside the Church, I lit a candle and prayed.

“Give your servant, O Lord, an understanding mind …. to discern between good and evil…”

Nothing elaborate.

Just a simple prayer. Simple words. A prayer for everyone in our group on our first day of walking.

We stayed at this hotel for a couple of nights and moved in other areas of Cuba.

For the next fortnight, we moved from one hotel to another.

We returned to Havana for our last two nights and stayed at the same hotel.

It’s Sunday. Time to join the locals in celebrating a Mass.

Church Mass

I imagined that God was waiting for me in this Church to make the first move.

With discerning mind, God has already made the first move.

I am only responding to His call.

7 thoughts on “Finding Time

  1. I am cuban, very glad to read that you did enjoy you trip and found places to have spiritual moments in our old churches. 🙂

      • Hi 🙂 no, i live in Charlotte NC USA, came here when i was 22 years old. Most of my family and friends still over there, so i travel to my beautiful island a lot. I can not stay too much time without the sun, the music and the Caribbean Sea 🙂

  2. Such a beautiful and serene interpretation of the challenge. Love the first shot. Lovely sunlight falling over the cathedral and it almost looks like its glowing. That was quite a tender, heart-warming moment between you and the woman. Some things do not need to be expressed with words, and can only be felt 🙂

Please share your reflection. Thank you.