The Giver and The Receiver

For two years, I’ve waited when the birds will return. Lo and behold, I heard chirping and saw this little guy checking our the bird house.

Who is more jubilant? Needless to say, me!
BirdhouseTrying so many ways to give nature a place to stay in a small oasis in the middle of busy city dwellers offers so much joy not just to me but to other tenants in the building.

The bird checked the house. I think we have a new taker. Should I charge the bird rent?
Real Estate“All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small.”

I quickly lined the bird house with my hair. A few days later, this couple of birds were busy hauling materials building a nest from materials I hung on the hummingbird feeder. They brought their own bedding as well.

“Each little flowers that open, each little birds that sing. He made them glowing colors. He made their tiny wings.”

In and out, out and in. They were busy. None stop.

It was mesmerizing for my next door neighbour, watching from the balcony what the birds were doing. She counted eleven times, back and forth, in a short period.

Finally. Mazel tov!. I’m a grandma.
WormIt is now a buggy kind of days. A big worm on its beak.

Joys of all joys.

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John 15:11

5 thoughts on “The Giver and The Receiver

  1. There’s nothing like having birds take up residence and share a space with you! I’ve written about this on my blog and am happy to know there’s someone out there who also shares my joy and jubilation 🙂

  2. How lovely. Now I want a bird house. Wonder if anyone would come to stay? I live above the trees and have only pigeons, crows, and the occasional hawk stop by.

      • I’ve had pigeons nest on the balcony. They are terrible nest builders and they stink…their babies are cute though. The hawks are too big to even land on the balcony. They just perch on the railing.

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