
Buddha at Seymour

Patients waiting for the doctor at the clinic who claims to heal us. Patience is what we claim to be.

Buddha never claimed to be God.
Moses never claimed to be Jehovah.
Mohammed never claimed to be Allah.
Yet Jesus Christ claimed to be the true and living God.
Buddha simply said, “I am a teacher in search of the truth.”
Jesus said, “I am the Truth.”

4 thoughts on “Claims

  1. I am officially on a blogging hiatus until the end of July. but i just stumbled on this post, and i have to say that is an incredible claim to make, isn’t it? a claim that he never intended as a point of debate, and never actually stated directly in so many words. just implicitly and consistently, and even more so by his actions than by his words. thanks for sharing.
    ok, back to my hiatus i go. have a great summer!

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