The Moment After: Me and My Cat, Maurice

I am finding ways to go through the gift of grief as best I can. The only way I can, for now, is to think of all the kindness of family and friends who shared their love for my cat, Maurice. For their concern for me, for extending condolences and talking about the good times they had with Maurice, makes his short life worthy of praise. For these, I am thankful and feel blessed for their support.

He was a cat with a big loving heart.


I received a letter from a friend that expresses the bond between me and my cat, Maurice.

My Dearest Maria —

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful picture of Maurice as he rests peacefully.  So many words, thoughts, feelings and emotions come to mind as I think of Luci and you in dealing with his loss. I pray deeply for all three of you and hold strong heart that Maurice was more than a pet, friend and family to you–he gave you life and peace.  With that said, in return you gave him purpose, comfort and a wonderful life for many years…

The bond between Maurice, Luci and you is everlasting – as you begin a imageslow journey of grief and healing with Luci–Maurice will always have a soft spot in your heart. In my heart-of-hearts and prayers I hope I can aid you in understanding and coming to terms with his loss, and my sincerest wish is that his presence will continue to live on through all the loving memories you shared with him…

You cared and spoke of him with love in all the time I knew of the two of you together … now the Lord is gracious and merciful and Maurice has found his place in heaven in a very large part to you and your bond you have with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit….

If you need to talk please do not hesitate to call anytime night and day … my prayers and thoughts are with Luci and you…. D’


Losing Maurice does not mean that I will become bitter. All the more, I am joyful for all the people who care and love their pets.

It takes courage to bring another life to your care even they are animals. It takes even greater courage to care and give them comfort when they are reaching the end of their life rather than “put them to sleep.”

These animals are our extension.

One thing I know, the minute I took Maurice to live with me, my life is no longer my own.

The moments we spent together will live happily within my heart.

6 thoughts on “The Moment After: Me and My Cat, Maurice

  1. Sorry to hear of your loss. I think everyone who owns a pet understands your loss. when we lost our dog Harry 3 years ago, I was overwhelmed by the words of support from friends, family and even strangers

  2. Gift of grief…I don’t think I have ever heard this expression before. The time of grieving though difficult is a gift, without it, we would become hard, unfeeling, lost and without hope. Thank you for opening my eyes to this gift!

Please share your reflection. Thank you.