Arts living in a frame

A roll of toilet paper and towel.
A supply he received upon entering the frame.

His arts live in a frame called “The Hole”.
Three out of fifteen I managed to capture, between wiring.
The exhibits are all inside the prison cell.image

His number is 58741-004.
His address is Federal Correctional Institution, Marianna, FL 32447-7007.
Hashtag or pound or number.
Call it what you like.
It’s his number, in prison.image

His name is Antonio Guerrero.
He is intelligent.
He is beautiful.
He is an engineer, an artist and a poet.
He was born in America.
His parents are Cuban.
He is one of the Cuban Five.

The frame is too small for his body but his mind cannot be imprisoned.

“I will die the way I’ve lived” to quote Antonio. He is innocent of the crime fabricated by the USA according to him.image

He will die innocent. Hopefully outside the frame, out of solitary confinement.

His water-colour art exhibits were taken during my visit in Cuba. It is an exhibition recreating his solitary confinement in Florida. It’s a space to visit and reflect for any individuals what it feels to be confined alone, to feel the punishment to Antonio Guerrero and the rest of Cuban Five.image

11 thoughts on “Arts living in a frame

    • Was it ever. Visitors are allowed to enter the cell and stay for five minutes to get a feel what it’s like to be in prison.

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