Location Counts.

Location, location, location.
This is the motto of most businesses. Where I live, in Metrotown, there are at least five Starbucks in one big area of Metropolis. A great location. Starbucks seems to have a strong sense where the money is. The right location.

Be at the right place at the right time.
One has to be at the right place at the right time to catch the bus. The bus has a time-table and should I be late even a few steps away, it does not wait for me. Needless to say, I let the bus drive away rather than run after it.

See and be seen.
We need to open our eyes and see what is going on around us. Homelessness needs to be seen as they live at the edge of the building. This is how we discover the intersection of life + style.

Photo taken outside Starbucks and by the bus station.

Photo taken outside Starbucks and by the bus station.

10 thoughts on “Location Counts.

    • The ad caught my attention then lo and behold, a sleeper on the side. I thought it was perfect. I wonder if the ad company or Marcon, or livewestcoquitlam.ca reliazes the irony of this shot. ☺️

  1. We have lots of homeless here. More every year. The merchants are not patient with them and wouldn’t let one of them sleep near their door. Wonderful that you spoke to her and will try to help.

    • Samantha is her name, been on the street on and off for 14 years and she is now 32. I mentioned that there is a free shower in a community nearby should she wish to clean up. By the sound of it, she likes living on the street.

  2. I’ve seen her all over the place, From the entrance to the mall where the furniture place is to shoppers but she frequents Starbucks, She goes into trances to get people to come close to her and then very loudly asks for spare change, Gotta survive I suppose?

    Though, At the risk of sounding heartless. She’s been picked up by the police and placed in a sheltered place with roof and food, But always returns to this spot?

    • She is new in town. I did talk to her about her luggage full of food. But she did not ask me for money. Since you noticed her and made her visible, you have a heart, Andy. Pretty soon, she must move on, the air getting chilly and the rain is here.

      • Interesting, I was in a rush to get to Metrotown for an appointment when I overheard her ask for change, So i’m glad she’s got food in her luggage now, with the giant teddy bear as pillow, Hopefully she finds her way soon.

      • Mother Nature will make sure that she moves on. Yesterday, on the way to work she was up early at 7 am rocking herself back and forth. This gesture is an indication of mental disability. I am sure the building management will find ways to make her move as well. I will ask Metro paper to cover the story. Cheers.

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