
A world of dew

The world of dew
Is a world of dew, and yet
And yet…

I believe in God thinking that my life is preordained and yet a Buddhist priest can make me believe that there is more to life in three stanzas. And yet…

There is so many things happening around me that is out of focus and yet I soldier on. I for one is not a brave soul but I hear the sorrows that affect me on the inside of the edge.

Listening and observing, one is move to action.

By being silent, this gives me no right to complain, therefore, I use my voice to fight words with words and give clarity to an issue.

A passion.

Out of passion, compassion is born.

When I think of passion, the Passion of Jesus comes to mind. When I hear the word compassion, the teaching of Dalai Lama comes to play.

Japanese haiku written by Kobayashi Issa (1763-1828) and translated by Donald Keene.

5 thoughts on “Focus

    • I hear you. The way I see it, it is LOVE when it comes to Jesus’s teaching. This is the Passion of Jesus. Compassion is the word that the Dalai Lama use at lot. Happy Thanksgiving, kris. Perpetua

      • at the same time, while Jesus didn’t really use the word compassion very much, he lived a life of compassion. this was seen by his interactions with ordinary, everyday people that the spiritual leaders of his day wouldn’t have spent any time with, as some of them were considered outcasts. but that didn’t bother Jesus, and he was his compassionate self with those very outcasts. happy thanksgiving to you too, Perpetua!

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