The Growing Pains of Stella


From red shoes to blue shoes

There was a time whatever Stella wants, Stella gets. But one cannot remain a baby and she grows up. The dreaded day came and Stella goes to school.

Day 1
Aunty took Stella to school and she refused to go into class. She sat behind the door. Teacher came and got her and told Aunty to run as soon as Stella was in her class.

Day 2
Stella was better and went into class and sat down and basically told mom to leave

Day 3
Stella didn’t want mom to come into school at all. She wanted to walk into school with her brother!

Day 4 -6
Stella went into class no problem. Mom dropped her off with her brother…

Day 7
Relapse! Stella didn’t want to get out of the car. Mom dropped her off anyhow. Big brother tried. Setting her into school. Security guard stepped in and got Stella to go to class

Day 8
Embarrassment! Mom saw a little boy Stella made friends with and introduced herself to his dad. Saying Stella always talks about your son. Stella got embarrassed and hid behind mom and refused to go to class. Lying on the hallway floor Stella was dragged into class by her feet by her teacher.

Mornings aren’t fun with Stella but she’s enjoying school whether she’ll admit it or not.

Today is the first day of winter break and Stella is more than happy to sleep, eat and remain cute as ever. Now she can relax.

Stay tuned.

9 thoughts on “The Growing Pains of Stella

    • Most of my post are with consent, their stories and photos provided by parents. Otherwise, I will be in deep dodoo. Thanks for asking. What are your concerns, Helen. Please do share.

      • I don’t have any concerns. I was smiling when I read your post, thinking about my 5 year old great niece. They sure have opinions like adults. 😉 I was just trying to keep you on Stella’s good-people list 😉

      • Tee hee… me smiling, too. It’s highly entertaining when we write about them and we went through it as well. I love these children and I love listening stories about Stella and Ben. As for children post, we need parental consent. Keep warm, Helen.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.