Traveling in 2017? Start with Canada

Yes, Canada! Come and visit us this year. According to New York Times 52 places to visit in 2017, we are No. 1 on the list.


Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

Three good reasons:

  1. Canada celebrates 150 years as a nation, a year-long event.
  2.  Free admission to our national parks from coast to coast.
  3. We are irresistibly weak; that is the Canadian dollar.

Bonus: contact me when you are in Vancouver and I will buy you Starbucks!

15 thoughts on “Traveling in 2017? Start with Canada

    • Sigh it is! With the Canadian $ at low time, your US $ will go along way. You have all year to think about in coming back, Helen. Would love to meet you. ❤

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