In Praise of Men

There are certain movements men do that I can see how graceful they are. More graceful than females do. It’s their feminine side that they do not want to admit.


They are beautiful. Beautiful in the sense that they don’t have to prove their masculinity. The beauty that oozes with sublime humility where fellow-men can watch with quiet admiration.


Where is the beauty in them?

The beauty exists in my mind how rounded they are. Not just how nice they are to stop, pause and be photographed. It is how gracious they are in accepting a stranger in their environment.


Emerging elegantly from the depth of an ancient tree enriches how life mysteriously unfolds my memory of Cuba ever so gracefully.


8 thoughts on “In Praise of Men

    • Good Morning, Helen. I like you sense of humour. Read between the lines? No-no-no, read and know how men think. Have a good day, Perpetua.

  1. Very interesting Perpetua, must admit I’d not have thought about men being graceful but then again, if I think of some of the male dancers I’ve seen, their grace in strength is astounding. Well done.

    • Thank you, Tina. Dancers are natural graceful. I’ve watched men at work from the janitor to professionals. They have a certain way of being graceful especially when they enjoy their work and good nature. Perpetua

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