Shipwreck from fantasy to reality

A blank piece of paper is transformative. Look at it and you can repurpose it by splashing colors of  broken lines to circles. White is an absence of color and black has too much pigmentation. There are only three basic colors: red, yellow and green. What do you see?

Basic Color by Siglos

At the Cenacle Convent

On a busy street of West 12th and Granville, I see cars with its tailpipe spewing exhaust gasses; he sees dragons breathing fire and brimstone. Is his mind broken? No. Or is my imagination eschewed? Yes.

Of Cars and Dragon by Siglos

Of Cars and Dragon

Lots of things are invisible, but we don’t know how many because we can’t see them. What we see are the good and the bad, the rich and the poor, the saint and sinners.  With him, he can only see the goodness of others as they march by.

The Apostles by Siglos

When the Saints go marching by

For other people, his life has turned up-side down. With that thought in mind, he literally took the word, reinvented the meaning of it, applied it to his last name and no matter how you read it up or down, it will always read SIGLOS.

Up/Down by Siglos

Which way is Up?

So, what is the purpose of life. There is no single purpose. We just have to keep repurposing our talent and be of service to all.

New Westminster City Page

Of Service to the Seniors

Prognosis: Bipolar

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