Story beyond the story

When I enjoy reading a clip of a story, I take extra steps in finding more about it to the extent of contacting the administrator of the site via e-mail since comment box is not available on the site.

Very much direct to the point with no preamble, I stated what I want and my plan.

Greetings from Vancouver, BC. I enjoyed reading The Clown That Should Be King. I’ve search the story in the web but can’t find it. Kindly send me more info on this so I can share it in my post credit to you.

The Clown King demands to know who has the plan?

“Which plan, the new plan or the old plan?”

Oh foolish Clown and King of Plans, I guess you will have to change the plan.

“But it’s not my plan you fools, I’m a Clown King, not the real thing!” he protested. “I don’t make plans! You must make the plans and you must follow them; so I can change them before you can make them. That’s my plan and I’m sticking to it!”

“Oh great preposterous King of Clowns – There is NO PLAN! We never make plans, because that’s how we plan everything.”

@copyright 2017 Christopher Matthews


Thank you for visiting our website!  It is so nice to see someone from Vancouver taking the time to look into our Parish.

I feel the need to give you more information on the story of “The Clown That Should Be King”.  You will not find this story on any website.  Chris Matthews wrote this story for his son.  You see, shortly after Christmas, Chris’ four year old son passed away unexpectedly.  As he and his twelve-year-old daughter were running around making arrangements for the funeral, they joked about how they would plan what to do but of course, their plans never worked out so they were really working without a plan.  As Chris was retelling this story to his family and friends, he decided to write it into a story for his son. and so the story of “The Clown That Should Be King” was born and Chris was kind enough to share it with our Parishioners.

He also stated that he is working on publishing the story along with another he is working on as a Fundraiser for the building of our Church!!

And here I am sharing a heartfelt story beyond the story.


Thank you, Narda for being the go-to person between me and Chris. Wishing you all for a successful fundraising to build a church for Brother Andre. Pax Christi, Perpetua.

Building a Church…it all starts with a vision “I then heard the voice of the Lord saying: ‘Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I, send me.'”

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