The Wall Outside the Box


Ich bin kein Mexikaner! I am not Mexican!

Marti is not Mexican. Neither am I.

So I asked her: What is your view when the Berlin wall collapsed?

Marti: Personally I was overjoyed when the Berlin wall collapsed. Many of my aunts, uncles and cousins lived there. It split my mother’s side of the family in two at the time, with her and a few others defecting to the west before the wall was constructed. As a child I never really understood why there was a wall. All I remember was that my mother would send a Christmas parcel of ‘treats’ every year to her aunt. It contained everyday items that we would take for granted back here in Australia. I recall our aunt writing back thanking her for the gift and said they were going to celebrate new year’s eve with two of the very special gifts – tinned frankfurts and tinned pineapple. Even was a child this broke my heart.

Having gained freedom and living in Canada the time when Berlin Wall collapsed, it was a sight of relief watching it on TV. It was a day to remember and I prayed that history will not repeat.

Marti’s cartoon gives me so much to ponder upon as well as makes me smile, ironic it may be. Through her imagination and humor, Marti provides me inspiration that is  alien to me. No pun intended, Marti.

4 thoughts on “The Wall Outside the Box

  1. Hiya Seeker, Thanks for sharing my cartoon with your blogging friends.

    I must admit, I don’t tend to be political but the idea just popped in my head and I just felt an overwhelming urge to express my thoughts through a cartoon.

    I quite like your title and alien pun – Who said you weren’t funny?

  2. The cartoon is a bit funny but the subject is not! It makes it point, and that’s great! I’m glad the wall came down, and if any wall is built between the States and Mexico, they can just get a longer ladder! I say go and get it!! Trumps and idiot 🙂

Please share your reflection. Thank you.