Amber Alert

When a child is missing, we can make a difference by sending out Amber Alert to secure the child’s safety as quickly as we can.

Meanwhile in Vancouver, BC, an infant is venerated by thousands of people at the Cathedral, the image of Infant Jesus of Prague donated by my sister in the story of the power of tiny.

Some people literally become fixated by the image of Infant Jesus wanting to steal the statue.

I suggested to my sister why not put the statue in a glass encasing and put a lock on it. No can do. My suggestion is not good enough for Infants’ security. Instead, underneath the clothing, the statue is mounted on a metal bar and chain.


Pray that God will protect us from the worship of material things and give us for the love of people everywhere and that true riches can be found in Him.

1 thought on “Amber Alert

  1. Let me offer a post from my blog: The Good Christmas Thief.”

    I was disappointed to find that the life-size Nativity was not on display in the Danielson town green this year. A town parks and recreation representative informed me that the display organizers had arranged to have it moved to a church near the park. Reason being, that the baby Jesus which had been taken from the display, but returned in recent years, was not returned last year.

    The thief must have been a good thief. Because only a good thief would know the greatest value of something. That is why he or she chose to take the central figure of the display; which so happens to be the central figure of Christmas. The baby Jesus always draws the most attention. Especially the attention of those who need him most.

    Two thousand years ago, another thief was not in a park but on a hill. In his darkest moment, he too was drawn to Jesus. And as a good thief himself, saw great value in the man who hung from the cross next to his. His last act on earth was that of a thief; for he stole heaven.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.