

THERE ARE TWO WAYS of remembering. One is to make an excursion from the living present back into the dead past. The old sock remembers how things used to be when you and I were young. The faraway look in his eyes is partly the beer and partly that he’s really far away.

The other way is to summon the dead past back into the living present. The young widow remembers her husband, and he is there beside her.

When Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me,” (1 Corinthians 11:24) he was not prescribing a periodic slug of nostalgia.

~ Frederick Buckner

2 thoughts on “Memory

  1. We miss people when we know we will not ever see them anymore but do we make time to connect with them when they are still alive.?
    To feel guilty stops us remembering the good times we spent with them. Good times and great memories .
    Missing you both – Poteet

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