At the heart of the city

Somewhere in a Nordic nation, a billboard: Come party with us.

IMG_6225A perfect place for 45 Canadian pilgrims shepherd by two priest. We searched for the nun but couldn’t find one in the land of the Vikings. Just as well, our group knows how to have fun for we are mostly Filipinos except for 6 that are Caucasian.

Most of the people I am travelling with are strangers to me except for my sister and her husband. For twenty days, we will travel as a community. Our common ground is our faith and the gift of laughter. It can be unbearable for outsiders when we are constantly joking, smiling and laughing.

“In true community we will not choose our companions, for our choices are so often limited by self-serving motives. Instead, our companions will be given to us by grace. Often they will be persons who will upset our settled view of self and world. In fact, we might define true community as that place where the person you least want to live with lives….” [The Company of Strangers by Parker Palmer]

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