Cats are welcome in Canada

Nymeria, the cat that suffered a catastrophe in 2013 and had a purr-fect day with Mr. Frenchie and Akeyla is alive and well.

Soon after the incident, Mr. Frenchie decided to go home to France with his cats. He was not so lucky as an immigrant in Canada. We kept in touched. While in France, having two cats was not enough for him. He adopted another cat. A stray cat.

Now there’s three.

Four years later, Mr. Frenchie came back to Canada, cats in tow.

Mr. Frenchie is much happier now. He met and married a Canadian. Lucky for him and the cats. Ms. Canada loves cats.

Canada welcomes cats, too. Not only humans shape our country but as well as their fur babies.

Our local newspaper Metro shared a story of a Turkish immigrant bringing her cat to our country about her first moments moving to Canada.

Arriving at the airport, the officer greeted a warm “Oh hello! Welcome to Canada” speaking to the cat. The officer talked to the cat first before to Ms. Turkey.

“Are you OK? You have come from such a long way.”

Ms. Turkey cried because she felt how friendly and kind people are in Canada. She is greeting even her cat.

Happy Canada Day!


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