Meanwhile, In Vancouver

Today, July 1st, I have to go to the big city … downtown Vancouver. My goal is to purchase another bag with wheels for daily use at main department store, Hudson Bay.

Across The Bay, I met Steve. A man originally from Jamaica and loves to give free hugs. Hugs, what a wonderful feeling to give and receive one of the most fundamental human touch.

We love ❤️ Canada.

Soon after, there were two young women having a good time doing selfie to take shots of Canadian flags on their hair. I must admit they look pretty in red and white colours. I asked if they are Canadians. In unison, they replied we are Japanese. We love Canada.

A family of Canadian Super Heroes.

Vancouver is a big party place. A sea of red and white flags, shirts, socks, headbands people too proud to wear. I must admit red and white are the true colours of True North.

A hug is worth a thousand words. A good feeling.

My heart soars to be here with them even though I wasn’t really thinking of celebrating. I did not find the bag. Before going home, I returned to see Steve for another hug.

With all the countries on earth, born in the Philippines, I finally found a home. Canada.

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