My list to stay mentally fit

First I go fly a kite and read the list to stay in shape, This is what I do to keep my mind active. Should my mind get stuck, I return to the list.

  1. Write. I blog.
  2. Pray. If I can’t pray, I recite my mantra.
  3. Stretch. A big stretch does wonders to my body.
  4. Go out into the garden.
  5. Better yet, I do my gardening.
  6. Take my coffee and lunch breaks at work.
  7. Walk around the block during my break time.
  8. Share a smile even with strangers.
  9. Take a day to do what I love to do.
  10. It doesn’t matter. It’s a relief to say it doesn’t matter.
  11. Slow down. I give myself permission to slow down and catch my breath.
  12. Forgive myself. Forgive others.
  13. Sing in the shower. Can’t carry a tune? Who cares!
  14. I tell people I care.
  15. Let out my frustrations. I roll up a newspaper and give the table a good whack.
  16. I don’t feel guilty when I say no when I mean NO!
  17. Knit. I taught myself how to knit.
  18. A trip to Club Mind to dream. It’s free.
  19. Learn to cook a new dish. Google has plenty of recipe.
  20. Listen to music. Dance with the music.
  21. Walk in the sunshine, rain or snow. Just walk.
  22. Feed the birds.
  23. Watch a sunrise. Watch a sunset.
  24. Listen to the wind.
  25. Read funnies.
  26. Laugh at my own jokes.
  27. Yes to Yoga with my sweet Lucy beside me.
  28. Listen and talk less.
  29. Volunteer. Serving others expands myself.
  30. Pamper myself. Mani / pedicure.
  31. Treat myself for a good job done once in a while.
  32. Meditate. Om Mani Padme Hum. Actually one word is better. Ommmmmm.
  33. Play. Never too old to play.
  34. Talk to myself. Answer myself. Out loud.

The last three are for you to add.

8 thoughts on “My list to stay mentally fit

  1. 35- Read a good book sitting on the throne ( my quiet time)
    36- Watch babies and children . Simple things make them happy.
    37- I like going through my telephone directory and see who I haven’t spoken to for a long time . Call them and arrange to visit with them.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.