Skin texture

Flawless skin is soft, smooth, glowing, hydrated, firm and elastin support. This is normal when we are young. However, there are events in life that could change this. And this is exactly what happened to her.

The first time I’ve known of her, I was fifteen. She must have been only 8 or 9 years. We’ve never met until recently, May 15, 2017, 45 years later. It never occurred in mind that this will ever happen.

It was an event on Focus on Life. She was the speaker.


She spoke about her story what happened to her on the day of June 8, 1972 when napalm bombs were dropped on her village in Vietnam. I posted her photo here.

I imagined that she would have turned angry and bitter about the pain and suffering that she endured from her skin burnt from the inside out leaving scars on her body. She showed parts of it to us. Instead, she changed the course of her life, her destiny.

Her name is Kim Phuc.

She shared her story with deep joy reflected in her smile and the cadence of her voice. Not an ounce of hatred or anger. She greeted us all with grace and decorum. She showed mercy to the soldier that dropped the bomb.

She is a vibrant wife, mother, activist, doctor six times over, a survivor who moved beyond hatred to forgiveness and peace. She changed history.

There is a saying ‘beauty is skin deep’ and ‘ugliness is through the bones’. I must say, she is beauty through and through, not a shred of ugliness.

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