On that day

Thousands of people were gathered on that day. What attracted me is this family with three children. Two girls and a boy. It reminded me what happened more than a century ago, a story of three ordinary children.

They may be children. Children with strong conviction and responded to the call. The call made history.

These children were as ordinary, by all the fair accounts of those who knew them best, as bread and fish, as gaiety and tears, as simple games of fancy, as flowers in the summer fields. They were not conspicuous for their gifts or their delinquencies.

I wish I was there to have met Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta playing with them in the fields of the Lord, meeting the angel of peace and Our Lady of Fatima.

On that night, we sang “Ave, Ave, Ave Maria” as one body, one voice.

The message of Our Lady is to pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for sinners.”

Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta took this to heart. They prayed and sacrificed themselves to the ridicule of adults and authorities. With their strong convictions, they became the bearer of good news.

The question is: If this happened to you, what would you do?

Be blessed. Be well. Perpetua

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