In Praise of Books


It was a stormy windy night that I ended at Vancouver Public Library for shelter and kill time on my way to a concert. I am not the only one seeking refuge here. From the main floor, the children’s sections is decorated like a fairy tale book. Fire-breathing dragon, flying horse and an angel hanging from the ceiling. Instead of reading a book, I feasted my eyes on all the people who hang around inside the library. Without the people, the library is just an empty shell, books are the people, people are walking books.

When it comes to books, I have a library of book that contains 73 books. My favorite is the Book of Daniels written between 500 to 650 BC. The apocalyptic flavor is nothing in comparison to reading Grimm tales. It also reminds me of the movie Thor:Ragnarök. The ending goodness always prevail. In canticle of David’s, his three friends thrown into a fiery furnace for refusing to adore the golden idol of an evil king and remains faithful to their God is so moving that God sent an Angel to protect and save them from the flames Their canticle makes me feel giddy, grateful and filled with praise. The men were saying a litany of blessings to the Lord, giving glory and praise and exalting him forever.

Beginning from high in heaven, angels, waters above the heavens, sun, moon and stars also shine. On a darker note: fire and heat, ice and snow, nights and days, light and darkness, lighting and clouds: bless the Lord. On earth: the mountains and hills, everything that grows on the ground, seas, rivers and springs, sing praise to him. On water and air: whales and all that swim on the waters, all birds of the air: sing praise to him and highly exalt him forever.

There is no limit to their glory and praise. Gratitude is endless.

Finally, the people: children of the earth, Israel, priests, servants, spirits and souls, devout and humble people: bless the Lord.

Today, the Canticle of Daniel has a different spin shared by my sister. Furnace could be a ‘heat and fire” of a certain situation in life. Death maybe? Losing a job? Homelessness? There is high and lows such as joy and sorrows; the comfort and discomfort of weather chill/cold and heat/humidity. In sickness and health, we have to bless the Lord. Our life comes from him and we must maintain our body healthy. In sickness, he is still with us who gives strength and comfort. There are so many scenarios and each one is a chance for us to find ways to give thanks, glory and praise as people of God.

Back to Thor on his mission to save his world Asgard from fiery destruction, he came to revelation from his vision Asgard is not a place, it’s the people.

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