Sunday Morning. A World of Meaning.

Finding meaning in the world of WordPress, Sunday is the time I express my need to pray and be grateful. In WordPress, there are at least 18,963,619 followers, and surely one day, I will meet someone who will pray the same prayer as I do. It is evident that I am not alone that has the need to pray regardless of creed and culture. For this, I am grateful.

Challenges make life interesting.
It is interesting to see the challenges when I entered the blogging world. I know I am supposed to write for the readers and catch their attention, but that defeats the purpose of spreading awareness. I am here NOT to evangelize people to become Catholic. I leave evangelization to others.  Not everyone that I encounter will admit that they are Catholics nor will they even talk about it. The meaning of Catholic is Universal. Their purpose is different from mine, and that makes it interesting.

Patience is key.
When it comes to praying, we pray the same way in different language.

Click to enlarge

About then in the year 2012 is a reminder for me not to deviate from the path of discernment. What is the chance to see the same short, clipped prayer on the same day one hour apart?. And then there is Therese, a new blogger inviting women to talk about being Catholic. It is for all women…Catholic or not that I introduced to Sarah welcoming her to the Church! It’s lovely to hear from a fellow “baby” Catholic. Patience paid off.

Overcoming them makes life meaningful.
Incorrect grammar and composition may be irritating for readers, so please forgive me. Living a different culture in Canada, English is my second language. Therefore, I write in varied ways in a tone of short, clipped sentences. I observe how good writers write whether to use one or two spaces after the end of a sentence. So far, people are kind of not pointing out my error, suspend their judgment and still encourage me to write. For all intent and purposes, I go away and pray alone to be renewed in prayer moving to read the billions of blogs as WordPress declared treating them as my brothers and sisters. They, too, have stories to tell to make life meaningful.

“Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.”  – H.W. Longfellow

6 thoughts on “Sunday Morning. A World of Meaning.

  1. prayers can come in all languages… one of my favorite stories is of a prayer that sounded like a whistle… it came from a man who heard others praying, and his heart was sad because he knew no prayers… but the righteous who heard his whistle knew it was a prayer… prayer is the language that transcends the limitations of human beings. peace.

  2. Will you meet someone who prays the same prayer?
    Will you meet those whose prayers are different but their spirit is the same as your own?
    Will you meet those that are adrift, know not where to find their spirit, and will drink in the prayer you teach them?
    Most definitely.
    The world thirsts for proper prayers, of selflessness and compassion.
    We are not here to be washed over by the sea.
    We are here to Generate the Wave.


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