Ivan “wheely” loves the new bike Vancouver Twitter users gave him!

Meanwhile in Vancouver, the kindness of Vancouverites written by Stanley a homeless writer that I follow helping other homeless people by using social media. A good way to end a long week, Thank you, Stanley.


Ivan says that he want to hug each and every one of the generous strangers who helped to get him “back on the road.”

After I wrote on my blog Tuesday evening (February 6) how my homeless friend Ivan Saunderson had been left hobbling on a bum leg after the bicycle he relied on for mobility (not to mention his livlihood as a bottle picker) was stolen, an amazing fundraising effort began Wednesday morning on Twitter to make good the loss.

Spurred on and coordinated by the efforts of several people, including of Georgia Straight editor Charlie Smith, homeless advocate Jeremy Hunkaand Linda Lupini, the executive vice president of the Provincial Health Services Authority and aided through the day by retweets likes from dozens of engaged Vancouver Twitterati, an amazing $545 was collected by 4 p.m. Wednesday afternoon.

Once it sunk in that complete strangers had so…

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