Silent Picture

 “The poor man! He doesn’t know anything about pigeons! And as for the gentle dove, what a myth that is!  They’re very cruel.  I had some here and they pecked a poor little pigeon to death because they didn’t like it. They pecked its eyes out, then pulled it to pieces. It was horrible.  How’s that for a symbol of Peace? “ Nice Drawing

He would later cite this year as the “worst time of his life,” as he was embroiled in a personal crisis: his mistress, Marie-Thérèse Walter, was pregnant, and his wife, Olga, was leaving him. The dark line work surrounding this bouquet might be reflective of the stress the artist was experiencing at the time.  Artic Education

He rarely said much during the fights. They would be surrounded by “screaming and clapping and cheering and just sat there, absolutely still, not making any sound but just taking it all in. Occasionally he would make a remark.”  The Guardian

“It’s fascinating to look at how each image of the women in his life and how he was representing them, and how it reflects his career and personal life. It’s all intertwined.” Georgina Gold  Telegraph

How can you expect a beholder to experience my picture as I experienced it? A picture comes to me a long time beforehand; who knows how long a time beforehand, I sensed, saw, and painted it and yet the next day even I do not understand what I have done. How can anyone penetrate my dreams, my instincts, my desires, my thought, which have taken a long time to fashion themselves and come to the surface, above all to grasp what I put there, perhaps involuntary.  Wikiquotes

Pablo Picasso was a prolific artist, creating an immense oeuvre in multiple mediums including graphic (with a large printed body), sculptural, ceramic, and some glasswork. Throughout his long artistic career, Picasso explored many diverse themes and subject matter in his work. One of the artistic designs that we can trace throughout his career are depictions of flowers in his work.

Photos were taken during a silent movie of Picasso at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

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