Cracked Earth With A Boy


Leafing through the magazines at a clinic’s waiting room, this photo haunted me. Finally, I found it here at the gallery of Allard Prize for International Integrity.

The lines on the cracked earth reminded me of drought season in the Philippines when I lived there as a little girl.

Somenath Mukhopadhyay is an amateur photographer and a teacher of a higher secondary school. His work primarily focuses on people and the environment and in particular in the areas of agriculture, human health, water and food security and climate change.

The boy in this photo is collecting water from a dried up pond in Birbhum, a district in West Bengal, India. The district is known for its arid soil and sparse vegetation. Climate change and extreme weather conditions have marginalized communities such as Birbhum that rely on its surroundings for food and shelter.

The Allard Prize Photo Competition jury selected this photo as it highlights the basic human rights issue of access to safe drinking water.

9 thoughts on “Cracked Earth With A Boy

  1. I can see why it affected you Perpetua, and good on you for following up on where the original resides. I agree the prize was well-awarded. Very moving and thought-provoking.

  2. The photo isn’t only strikingly attractive, it encourages people to stop and think about the circumstances depicted and, by extension, the pricelessness of water. (something that is lost on people living here in the rain forest climate of B.C.’s South Coast.)

  3. It’s this kind of photo makes me understand why people say a picture is worth 1000 words. Thanks for sharing, Perpetua. (I enjoy the gallery of Allard Prize a lot!)
    Good night.

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