Is it time to rest?

I think I have forgotten to rest. Keeping myself busy to escape from the busyness of the mind and the turmoil of the world. Digging, planting, watering. Gardening may seem to be laborious, but it relaxes me. Summer is finally here, the plants are in full bloom, bees are happy to stay for a while enjoying the nectar, hummingbirds are delirious, skunks come at night searching for who knows what. Here I sit and watch. Feeling relax and rested.

Lucy Cat Nip

Glorious catnip. Drug of my choice.

The garden will take care of itself during the day. As I wait for the day to cool off, nothing better is to have a game of Candy Crush. “Escape the stress of the day” it says as I turn it on. This is a lie when I start losing to candies and crush the nine lives I have.

Lucy Candy Crush

Lucy is winning the game of Candy Crush

Lucy teaches me how to remain relaxed at all times. Being a cat, it’s their nature not to care in a good way, utterly oblivious to the world and detach, ability to not take things too seriously and to be genuinely free. As for me, my soul is not at rest unless I rest in God.

In our ordinary moments. In the extraordinary moments. In the moment in between. From time to time we need to come away as the Good Shepherd commands:

To make room in our lives for God
To see what God would have us see
To begin to understand how we are to pray
To face our temptations
To find divine assistance
To see the compassion of God that surrounds us
To become what we see
To see what we were always meant to be – the compassion of God in our time and place

Source: friarmusings


Peace, Perpetua

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