Purrs and Prayers

Talk me to sleep


Too much sleep or sleeplessness.
A serious side effect of mental illness when it’s activated.
This time, I cannot sleep.


Depression, anxiety, or stress often disrupt sleep that worsens the disorder and further sleep problem. I cannot sleep. I know how important to have a good night sleep. Reading sleep deprivation articles is scary enough that will keep me awake at night. More anxiety. Sleep hygiene of do’s and don’ts are plain and simple to follow, yet the body and mind have its own agenda.

My cat Lucy is sensitive to my moods, and she started snuggling with me. As I found out, nothing is better than a soft, warm silky body breathing onto my face that cares. With one hand stroking her, she purrs. With another hand, I clutch my rosary beads saying my mantra, “Maranatha,” over and over.

Between purrs and prayers, eventually, I fall asleep.


5 thoughts on “Purrs and Prayers

  1. The cat responds to stimulus alone. Man can fabricate in his mind not only creative wonders but also fearsome phantoms. In that the cat doesn’t know of his mortality and, therefore, has not the ability to fret over it. Yet, man can and does ponder on things such as, will I awake in the morning if I should fall asleep. The best remedy seems to be to have as a bed-fellow a feline friend who’s lack of worry can wash over and relax the mortal who is too keenly aware of his mortality.

    • Lucy is my relaxation and sleeping pill. No medicine can replace a caring cat. Thank you, Alan for your words of wisdom.

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