A Miracle

For years, I wonder whether Lucy and Adi will learn to coexist, forget love. I really do not think cats know how to love for their narcissistic behavior. It’s always all about me.

Ever since Maurice died, Lucy appears to have this existential angst. Indifferent. Is she going through depression just like me? Do I have to medicate her as well? Will a vet specialist help? Good grief. The joy of being a cat lady.

I always say to Lucy that she is loved. Adi loves you. Adi keeps you company every day. Adi’s human loves you as well. The whole neighborhood loves you. You are my joy. What else do you want?

Lucy makes sure that there is a distance between her and Adi. Adi is sweet. My assistant when I work on the computer, always beside me, but not Lucy.

Lucy and Adi

Lucy and Adi checking my clothes as I pack.

As I was packing for a two-week pilgrimage, I told Lucy that Adi will be her companion. Live with it!

When I returned home, Lucy showed her annoyance to me for being away. She stood her grounds by being on top of the luggage. Needless to say, I cannot unpack.


When Adi came to visit, I noticed a slight change. Adi was following her from behind, smelling her. There was no reaction from Lucy. Before, the hissing sound ensued. As for her behind, it must be the new and improve litter that I am using, made of corn, biodegradable, earth-friendly and flushable. No clay but it still clumps. Expensive.

Yesterday, doing computer work, Lucy and Adi were on bed keeping me company. This is new to see Lucy. Another strange thing going on. Much to my surprise when I finally finished working, Lucy purred and sat beside Adi.

Lucy and Adi on St. Francis Feast Day

Love is the answer.

OMG. What happened when I was gone? This is a miracle! It must have been the working of St. Francis on his feast day.


8 thoughts on “A Miracle

  1. cats love differently from dogs. They are very different. They have a different capacity… and still, cats do love… and sometimes they are great lovers as well. But it is hard to convince them of anything, though it has happened. I really liked your pictures here. And thanks for the introduction.

  2. Jack loves Teddy. Teddy can’t stand Jack. Your post has given me hope that this will change. I am not going anywhere so they will have to work it out while I am here. It’s been 5 years since Jack joined us so I am not counting on it.

    • Yes, Patricia, there is always hope. I think you have to give them space on their own or keep them together in the same room until they have now choice. Cats won’t kill each other. 🙂

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