As it happened. Just saying.

With all that hype on Canada being the second country legalizing Cannabis, not much happened concerning people going on a rampage. Cannabis is no comparison to losing a significant hockey game. So, much ado about nothing.

On that day, Oct 17, the pilgrims came back safe and sound. It was my sister’s birthday. They are all back in time to vote for the civic election.


Out in the valley, en route to Chilliwack, the scenery is bursting with vivid colors. Cruising along the highway, the smell of manure is intoxicating. This area is farmland mostly owned by First Nations. The indigenous people are joining the band to become a legal producer of cannabis. Another thing proposed large-scale cannabis grower is coming to this area. I wonder with these changes, will the smell of the atmosphere will changes as well?

The New Yorker on Cannabis

Meanwhile, The New Yorker did it again. Putting humor focus on Cannabis. Well, they picked the wrong nation. Canadians have a great sense of humor. Joss Montana  Joss Montana started a comment that started the ball rolling: “You definitely do not want to come to Canada. Freezing temps, snowed-in roads, dog sled fights in the street, running out of wood for the wood cookstove. Definitely, not somewhere you would want to live.”

Thank you, Joss, for keeping Canada safe and giving me a good laugh.

It is good to note that the caricature has a wall. Canadians do not build walls; we build bridges.

But then I digress.

As it happened, Tapestry, a column of CBC asked a question on Facebook: “We asked, you answered: Are you staying in the Catholic Church?”

My comment: The scandal has nothing to do with my faith as a Catholic.

I received a reply from another reader: “Then you’re just as sick as they are. Brainwashed too. Probably the stupidest comment wags ever written on Facebook…and Trump has Facebook.” 

What can I say but with a simple response to him:  “I am sorry that you feel this way.”

In retrospect, the real question is: Are you going to remain faithful to God, as loyal as Jesus is when he was being condemned to die.

Just saying.

Update January 17, 2020,
The person who responded to me and commented below apologized to me in Messenger asking to have his name be stricken off the post. He also removed his comments in Tapestry. As a consolation, I removed his name.


12 thoughts on “As it happened. Just saying.

  1. Good day,
    This article is quoting me and is only showing one side. The sexual abuse is the Catholic Church is nothing to seeep under the rug. You all should be ashamed…also where do I send my letter of intent????!

  2. Well you know what you acted as though the scandal was minor. You acted like the victims didn’t matter, the only thing that mattered was your faith in God. No apology about my comment but ANYONE who downplays the issues in the Catholic Church is sick and needs to be educated. You took what I said completely out of context and haven’t posted exactly what you did. This article is complete and utter bullshit and you are defaming my character by doing so. Poorly written and distasteful.

    • Good word, Tina. Vitriolic … vit·ri·ol·ic
      filled with bitter criticism or malice. “vitriolic attacks on the politicians” synonyms: acrimonious, rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant, acerbic, trenchant, virulent, spiteful, savage, venomous, poisonous, malicious, splenetic;

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