Invisible Madness

Talk me to sleep

Can you see it?

Last year, most of my focus was about life living with mental illness.

This year, 2019, let’s make it the year of Mental Wealth working together and supporting each other.

The one thing that I made it today thus far is faith, gratitude. hope and learn from people before me especially in the realm of Catholicism who suffered mental illness. The latest person I encountered is Elizabeth Seton.

Who is Elizabeth?

She is the first native of New York, America born on August 28, 1774, a real daughter of the American revolution born just before the Declaration of Independence. She was canonized as a saint.

“I have indeed been a sufferer, partly from the strong impressions of the mind which I could not efface, and also from causes sufficiently real.” –St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

As a Catholic, there are some things that I hear and less helpful.

  • Let it be – not a good one when you are singing this to me “when in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me, whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
  • Pray about it – my life is a prayer
  • You need a spiritual director – do my doctors, psychiatrist, therapist and group therapy consider as spiritual directors?
  • Go to Church for daily mass – the world is my church.
  • It’s the work of the devil – get behind me Satan!
  • Go to confession – Bless me father for I have sinned. I hate these people who are holier than thou.
  • Pray to St. Teresa of Calcutta, she suffered from the dark night of the souls – One day, I will become St. Perpetua.

This is the best one. All is grace, and I will pray for you. With profound humility and gratitude, I can only say thank you for your compassion and kindness. Most importantly, I need to be kinder to them and pray:

“Fathers forgive them, for they do not know what they are saying and going through. Amen.  

6 thoughts on “Invisible Madness

  1. People try their best. You are right. All you can do is Father forgive them because they really don’t know what they do. I love St. Elizabeth’s quote. She had that right about how sometimes we create our own difficulties.

    • They do, Kay, and give them the benefit of the doubt and suspend my judgment. Thank you for sharing St. Elizabeth, an inspiration.

  2. A year of mental wealth sound like a great plan Perpetua. Ignoring those who don’t know what they’re talking about while working with your therapists and counselors will help to make that happen. Pulling for you!

    • Oh, Tina. Thank you for your support. God knows how much I ignored and ask them to stop. Yes, mental wealth and no malingering.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.