You Should Be Writing

Recently, WordPress sent me a happy anniversary notification. Wow. At least someone remembers me. After that, I was notified that my Personal account is set to expire on January 15, 2021. Thank you again, WordPress, for the friendly reminder.

You Should Be Writing! I see this all the time from another site that I subscribe to, Writing about writing. This is another fun place that I spend time reading, not writing. 

Yep! Been busy writing. Writing comments (my opinion) on FaceBook. I know I can be opinionated objectively. I am not a hater. I do not attack. I do not post emojis or GiFs (god, I hate those!) because I should be writing.

BAMM! Haters and spammers, beware. Haters receive vitriol awards while spammers are reported to FB admin with a reply “spammer reported.” Oh, they easily remove their content. I go further and check out the rest that they replied to all commenters. I received applause, thank you, like, and love from commenters. This is just something to do while I entertain myself during Covid times. Desperate measures in desperate times bored to kingdom come.

Since FB has difficulty banning hate speech on posts and commenters, I am taking this matter and using Thor’s hammer. I wonder how many users I can block? I’ve lost count.

Goodness. I do receive some good responses and people with a sense of humor. Those are the best. For example, I respond to this comment when our good doctor decided to prohibit all religious sites from having services for the next two weeks. (This news did not go well) Anyway, the conversation goes … thread.

SN: It baffles me too. Restaurants, bars, and even schools remain open, but you can’t attend church! This is starting to look like the government take over!

Me: SN, I posted the same thing on different media. Churches have been good in the prior mandate of 50 max attendees; they use masks, and only two people in a pew every other row. Transits, trains, restaurants, bars, cinemas, malls are high traffic. If the government has to mandate, it has to be objective and universal. The media’s first focus was the temples, now the Catholics. What’s next?

Someone chimed in:

PM: The government will place an agent in your house, and you’ll be prevented from any form of worship. This happens on Monday. Afternoon.

Me: That would be really nice. I hope the agent is not allergic to cats.

PM: hahaha. I hope he loves cats.

Me: I sure hope so; cats are gods. I worship them. Tee hee.

PM: I like them, but my dogs take exception to cohabit with a cat(s). My dogs discovered eBay and sold the cats.

Me: Laughing hard. This is way too funny. Dogs are just way too smart than the masters, I want to have a dog, too, but my cats insist on total loyalty.

PM: my dog is smarter and better looking than I ever was. (Sent me a picture of his dog.)

Me: Well, but wisdom comes with age and good humor. This is one handsome canine. This dog reminded me of my Doberman many years ago.

We both had a good conversation outside a sensitive topic.

Back to writing about writing. I did make one contribution to the community, and it went very well amongst the writers.

WordPress: Please do not feel neglected. I am still you’re number one fan. I love it here; feeling secured from spammers and the community of bloggers is tremendously wonderful.

FaceBook: You could do better.

2 thoughts on “You Should Be Writing

  1. Happy Anniversary, Perpetua! Be glad you and I don’t text message one another. I LOVE GIF’s. A (young) buddy at work showed me how to do them. She created a monster. I will search for the perfect GIF and then bam! Send! hahah! So much fun. You are renewing, right???? 🙃

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