Love is Art. Art is Love.

Art installation at the mall. In the background, I stood “stealing” photos of passersby. It’s a great place to keep an eye on how art evolves by having people as the greatest work of art.

Having had my fill of candid shots, I created a reel.

Click to play.

The background in the original is “I Need Love.” Unfortunately, when I downloaded the reel, there is no music. So here’s the song for you to listen to while watching the slide.

6 thoughts on “Love is Art. Art is Love.

  1. The Supremes were so good! I’m glad some people stopped to take pictures with the art install. It’s a good one–and a good reminder. Love, people!

  2. This song is perfect 👍
    We all need love and we can’t hurry it, it will find us. Just be patient 🥰❤️
    If you give love, love will be given to you.
    Love- Poteet

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