To Frame and ReFrame

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of my travel photos are in a storage box that I hardly looked at. That’s the thing about travelling. I take photos and forget about them. What I treasure most are the memories of meeting people from all over the world doing the same thing I do. To go boldly and experience life.

Passing a bridge walking along Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela Route

If I could share a message with the world about the pilgrimage I went to, what would it be? I don’t know. Unless, someone is keen on understanding what a pilgrim is, maybe, just maybe, I’ll gladly share my reflections.

Rose Prince Pilgrimage 2023

That’s my kind sister, my personal tour operator who took me to see Rose Prince’s annual pilgrimage. I wanted to take this window frame with her in it.


Lucy loves her sundrops. And I love watching her sleep peacefully. Her ears twitch once in a while. The shadow of her ears made it look like she has four of them.

Frame of Washoom in Pool Area

The renovation of the pool area is in full swing all week. The framework of the changing room is exposed to the elements. For 32 years of living at the Manor, I’ve never used the swimming facilities.

“Surrender isn’t a sacrifice of the known, but rather a celebration of the infinite.” -Nipun Mehta


Grace surrendered to the sound of the commotion of reconstruction in our backyard. She finally came out of her hiding places. I think she misses the framed pictures.

“I’ve found that there is always some beauty left – in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.” -Anne Frank

For the past five years, the garden is my pilgrim destination. Right here in my backyard.


8 thoughts on “To Frame and ReFrame

  1. The washroom photo made me laugh, and I am glad your renovation is in full swing. The photo of the bridge from the pilgrimage was stunning and I love that you talked about what it is you want to share about it. I hope you continue the pilgrimages until you can’t.

    Sweet kitty.

  2. I take a trip down memory lane with my photos online. Straighten up some, delete some, move some to different folders. Lucy and Grace are both so very pretty.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.