4 thoughts on “What? So What? Now What?

  1. Isn’t that strange that peeps are more concerned what we could be doing? Let’s do a lot of nothing. As for me I’m eleven times six, Lois. Calvin and Hobbes keep me young at heart.

  2. When word got around the office that I was retiring, just about the first thing–the only thing–people said to me was, “You’re going to travel, right?” or “You’re going to volunteer, right?” They seemed to be insistent that I had to have something to do or else…what would I do??
    Hey, you little whippersnappers that are all 10-15 years younger than me–see how spunky you feel when you retire, and then travel and volunteer all you want. As for me, I’ll be fine, thank you. Just fine.
    I still miss Calvin and Hobbes in the funny papers.

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