One Story. Many Lives.

It wasn’t just me who believes. There are many others, as well. The theme is all too familiar.

Recently, Corey’s Digs, an investigative journalist, sent out an invitation seeking written submissions of short stories sharing miracles – a profound event that changed your life and/or perspective. These stories should be about an experience you had that involved an angel, spirit, or perhaps Jesus himself, that moved your soul in a powerful way.

Corey Lynn will select a few and publish them on my site, plus mail a copy of my book to those selected.

I submitted my short story.

Many responded and she selected seven. Modesty aside, my story was selected and I am sharing it here.

Lucia’s Legacy

Angel Stories: Powerful Experiences That Changed Lives by Corey’s Dig.

How well do we really know a person even though we have lived with them for most of our lives? Do you? Well, I don’t, I must admit.

Mother and I lived together for a long time yet I hardly knew her. We may have lived under the same roof but that doesn’t mean we shared our thoughts. Mother was excellent in giving us our autonomy. It was very important to her that we are our own person.

Here’s another question. Do you know where you draw your strength from? Strength could mean your physical, mental or spiritual being. I’m sure that there are so many ways in which you can gather your strength.

As for my Mother, Chuchi Siglos, this is a piece of her story.

When my Mother died in 2000, my sister found this writing from Mother’s personal effects. My sister gave us a copy of it.

1965 – Santo Tomas Church in Batangas, Philippines

I was alone in the church at 3 pm. (I join the Cursillo) I was at prayer in front of the Tabernacle. Praying and talking to Jesus. I was telling him all my hardship – all my disappointments in life. Why did he take my husband away from me? I was crying, full of resentment.

Suddenly, there was a glow in the tabernacle and a loud voice telling me, “Is it not enough I have given you thirteen children?” I was stunned! I could not move. I was dazed, blinded by the glow. After a few minutes, I sat down trying to analyze the meaning of what I heard. I kept on thinking, “Now I know my children are my wealth.”

From the moment on, I did not complain about my hardship. Everyday, before I work, I say thank you Jesus for the thirteen children you have given me.

I was only 8 years old when Mother wrote this. I was 43 years old when I received her journal. When I was being conceived, Mother was hemorrhaging. The doctor said that she might lose the baby, me. With Mother’s profound faith, she placed her trust to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. She prayed pleading to spare my life. She promised that she would name the baby after her. Against all odds in medical intervention, it was a miracle the baby survived and was born. True to her prayers, I was named Maria Perpetua. My nickname is Lady. I’m now 66 years old.

– Maria Perpetua

There are other stories that you may want to read here. They are fascinating.

Believe it or not.

What’s something you believe everyone should know.

5 thoughts on “One Story. Many Lives.

  1. Pingback: Within the Web lies the truth | Seek and You Shall Find…

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