Empty Spaces with Rose Prince

You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page wrote Jodi Picoult. That’s exactly what I do with photography.

The trip to Lejac, Fraser Lake of BC was filled with empty spaces. Our mission was to attend the re-opening of Rose Prince pilgrimage after it was closed for three years due to Covid restrictions imposed by the Canadian government.

GREAT SPIRIT OF LOVE, come to me with the power of the North, make me courageous when the cold winds of life fall upon me. Give me strength and endurance for everything that is harsh, everything that hurts, everything that makes me squint. Let me move through life ready to take what comes from the North.

SPIRIT WHO COMES OUT OF THE EAST, come to me with the power of the East, the light of the rising sun. Let there be light on the path I walk. Let me remember always that you give the gift of a new day and let me never be burdened with sorrow by not starting over.

GREAT SPIRIT OF CREATION, send me warm and soothing winds from the south to comfort me and caress me when I am tired and cold. Unfold me as your gentle breezes unfold the leaves on the trees. And as you give to all the earth your warm moving wind, give to me warmth so that I may grow close to you.

GREAT LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT, I face the West, the direction of sundown. Let me remember every day that the moment will come when my sun will go down. Never let me forget that I must fade into you. Give me beautiful color, give me a great sky for setting, so that when it is time to meet you, I come in glory.

GIVER OF LIFE, I pray to you from the Earth. Help me to remember as I touch the Earth that I am little and need your pity. Help me to be thankful for the gift of the Earth and never to walk hurtfully on the world. Bless me with eyes to love what comes from Mother Earth and teach me how to use well your gifts.

GREAT SPIRIT OF THE HEAVENS, lift me up to that my heart may worship you and come to you in glory. Hold in my memory that you are my Creator, greater than I, eager for my good life. Let everything that is in the world lift my mind and my heart and my life to you, so that we may come to you always in truth and in heart.

Amen.  Prayer Of The Six Direction (Indian Prayer)

I learned the prayer during a weekend retreat with the Cenacle Sisters facilitated by Sister Dorothy. I think she was an Indian from USA. The word Indian is now replaced with aboriginals or First Nations. Fast forward, I introduced the prayer to my four nephews taking them up North of BC on a field trip in 2000 shortly after my mother’s demise. We stayed at Monarch Mountain during off season when everything was still frozen solid devoid of people. We were the only residence in the mountain plus the owner, Gernot. He opened his mountain just for us. I think he was glad to have us for a week of companionship. This is an Indian land but we did not meet any aboriginals when we went to town. I wonder what it is like to live in open empty space.

.. a long walk on frozen lake at Atlin, BC

12 thoughts on “Empty Spaces with Rose Prince

  1. Beautiful empty spaces, Perpetua. I’d never heard of the Cenacle Sisters so Googled them. They have three congregations, two of which are here in the south US.

  2. Nice pictures. What a difference from the coloured ones. Beautiful poem to go with the pictures.
    I hope the boys remembered the trip , thanks for taking them.

  3. How wonderful to return to the pilgrimage after having it closed. The photos are stunning, most impactful as monochrome, and the prayers bring the spiritual presence of your journey. I love the frozen lake. I don’t get that opportunity any more and I love that you can walk on it. It brought back memories of my grandmother’s house. We loved to ice skate on her large pond but we were never allowed on it until it was deemed safe for the fire department.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.